Dynamic Wrist Extension Splint
I had a client with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis who was limited in wrist extension. Her doctor had requested I make a splint to increase range of motion in wrist extension. I could have made a static splint and remolded it as she progressed, but it didn’t seem like the best option. I did a little research online, and found a dynamic design. I’ve never made a dynamic splint before, but I was willing to try it.
On this splint, there is a piece that fits on the dorsal side of the forearm and the fingers slide into the oval shape and rest at the MCP joints. There are two small hooks. One at the far side of the forearm and one at the fingers. A rubber band is secured around the hooks and provides a consistent stretch into wrist extension. The hinge at the wrist allows her to flex her wrist and use her hand functionally. As she progressed, I used tighter rubber bands and eventually twisted them around several times to provide a greater stretch. She went from neutral wrist extension to 70 degrees.